plays & poetry archive
Friday 23rd September
... tales of disconnect
“There is a crack in everything/That's how the light gets
in” Leonard Cohen
Future Perfect’s new spoken word show takes a sideways
glance at the world of the broken, the fractured, the
cracked. Expect smashed-up phones, secret dolls,
twisted gnomes and mysterious black holes in a night of
short stories, poems, novel excerpts and songs.
Cracking up for your literary pleasure will be wordsmiths
Emma Fleming, Stephanie Gerra,
Stephanie Goldberg, Irving Jones
and the award-winning
Stephen Keyworth
Jasperian Theatre Company London
........... presents Tony Jasper's
"Friday Friday Sunday Sunday"
Tuesday 30th March 2010 1.30pm.
Periplum Friday 23rd & Saturday 24th April 2010 ......
7.30 & 9.30pm
Part of Lumen Arts Monthly Poetry Season - Raising funds for
Camden Cold Weather Shelter
Lumen Poetry Series with Ruth
O'Callaghan present
Elizabeth Martin Memorial
Tuesday 9th March 2010 6.30 for 7pm