We worship at 11am every Sunday for about an hour and normally have one communion service every month.
We also have a short communion service every Wednesday at 1pm in the Quiet Space (cone).
We are an international congregation and we worship in the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition. Our services are simple, normally comprising a mixture of prayer, psalms and hymns and a weekly sermon.
We aim to be thoughtful, inclusive and outward-looking. We try to express all that is best in liberal Reformed Christianity and to apply those insights honestly and creatively to life in contemporary London. We belong to the United Reformed Church, successor to the Presbyterian Church of England and one of the well-established Christian organizations in the UK.
We are keen to increase our numbers and we aim to extend a warm welcome to visitors from near and far. Everyone is welcome to all our services.
01 - Revd Ros Lyle - "Stones and Bread"
08 - Mr Andrew Glennie - "Nicodemus - Any Questions"
15 - Revd Geoffrey Roper - "Members one of another" - Communion
22 - Ms Pennie Bongomin - "Turn it to God"
29 - Mr Yin-An Chen - "Transformative Re-Creation"
05 - Revd Yufen Chen - "Like a broken vessel"
We have a short communion service each Wednesday at 1:00pm. From time to time we also hold other services and events, for instance an ecumenical course during Lent. See News and Notices for any current plans.